Unconditional Obedience – “The Rewarded Cycle”

Unconditional Obedience – “The Rewarded Cycle”

 We just got back from our small group study following through the book “Love and Respect” by Dr. Emerson Eggrichs. Tonight’s topic is called “The Rewarded Cycle.”

 It goes like this:

His love … Rewards regardless of … Her respect … Rewards regardless of … His love …


            It is a circle and a cycle. It can start anywhere… and hopefully, it never ends. If you are blessed with a marriage in this format, you can endlessly bless each other, and both parties will feel complete.


Anyway, I had another epiphany moment tonight… Below is an excerpt from the book: Love and Respect


            In between You and Jesus:

            As a husband, you are called upon to love Christ. Periodically, your wife walks between you and Jesus. Your love for Christ should spill over onto your wife as love for her.

            If you do not love your wife, what does that reveal about your relationship to Christ?

            As a wife, you are called upon to reverence Christ. Periodically, your husband walks between you and Jesus. Your reverence for Christ should spill over onto your husband as respect for him.

            If you are not respecting your husband, what does that reveal about your relationship to Christ?


            Here’s my thought: 1 Cor 3 kept coming to mind where it says that Paul planted and Apollos watered, but God gives the increase. So neither he who plants or he who waters is anything, but only God, who gives the increase.

            Then Col 3:23 and I Cor 10:31. Both say similar things: Give God your best. In everything you do! Col 3:23 says “Work heartily as unto the Lord, and not to men.” 1 Cor 10:31 says “Whatever you do, do it all to the glory of God.”

            So, I am called to love my wife… as unto the Lord… it is a command. I need to love her regardless of how I feel. Regardless of how she feels. Regardless of how good or bad she is acting. I am commanded to LOVE.

             Unconditional obedience requires unconditional love.

             In fact, from a male perspective, unconditional obedience will have the byproduct of unconditional love. From a female perspective, unconditional obedience will have the byproduct of unconditional respect.

            Whether either of us deserves it… or not…

             But the neat thing about the rewarding cycle is that my unconditional love will bless her… and fill her love tank… which will motivate her to unconditionally respect me… which will make me want to be a better man, causing even more unconditional love…

             I LOVE this cycle!

             And I so want to grow in it!

            Won’t you join me? Take the first step… it is always the hardest. Be the blessing your family needs.

 Thank you,



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